Meta pixel and Conversions API

How to set up a Meta pixel and Conversions API on RA

The pixel is a tool for optimising your paid social advertising on Meta Ads Manager. By installing your pixel on RA, it enables Meta to track data and understand user activity on your RA event page/s. It tracks  when users visit your page, purchase a ticket, or visit the checkout page (i.e. add tickets to the basket but do not complete the purchase) . Using this data, you can then build custom audiences in Meta to target audiences  in various ways, e.g. targeting users who have visited your RA event page or who have initiated the checkout but not completed their purchase.

We only offer pixel installation on RA to our exclusive ticketing partners. To enquire about becoming a partner, you can reach out to us here.

How to set up the pixel

Before setting up the pixel on RA, you need to create it on Meta. You can find instructions for doing that here

Once set up you'll need your pixel ID. Here's how:

  1. Select your pixel within Events Manager
  2. Find the pixel ID on the right-hand side of the 'Overview' tab and copy it to your clipboard
  3. Paste the pixel ID into a word processor for safe-keeping

Once you have your pixel ID you can add these in RA Pro:

  1. Go to RA Pro, scroll down to 'Manage Promoters' and select the promoter page that you want to add the pixel to.
  2. Click on 'Tracking' to head to the Promoter social tracking page on RA

  3. Select 'Facebook Pixel' as the tracking ID type
  4. Enter your pixel ID in the relevant field

Your pixel has now been set up on RA! The pixel data will begin pulling through into Meta Ads Manager. You can view it in Events Manager section of Meta.

How to set up Conversions API

If you have a Meta Pixel set up for your event pages, then you can use our Conversions API integration to process web activity from opted-out iOS devices, essentially circumventing the restrictions that were put in place with iOS 14.

Before setting up Conversions API you will need:
A Facebook pixel
A Business Manager account with admin or developer privileges

To begin setting up Conversions API the first thing you need to do is to create an access token.

To create your access token:

  1. Head to Ads Manager
  2. Navigate to Events Manager
  3. Choose the pixel you want to implement
  4. Head to the 'Settings' tab
  5. Find Conversions API and click 'Generate access token'
  6. Copy and paste the generated access token into a word processor for safe-keeping

Now that you've generated your access token, go back to the Promoter social tracking page and add it to the relevant field.

How to test Conversions API is set up correctly for your events

You'll need your test_event_code in order to test Conversions API.

To get your test_event_code:

  1. Select your pixel within Events Manager
  2. Head to the 'Test events' tab and scroll down to 'Test Server Events'
  3. Copy the code (e.g. TEST12345) to your clipboard and paste into a word processor for safe-keeping 

To test Conversions API:

  1. Enter your test_event_code into the relevant field on the promoter social tracking page
  2. Click 'send test event' to fire a test event to your Events Manager
  3. Check Events Manager to see if the event has fired correctly

Which events does the Meta pixel measure?

  • Event page view
  • Add to basket
  • Purchase
  • Optimise & retargetting
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