Event views

What is an event view?

An event view is counted when someone visits your events details page, for example ra.co/events/{eventID}. If someone visits the page multiple times, each time they visit will be counted as a view.

How do event view sources work?

All event view sources are tracked by direct referral, which means the previous URL or location that the user has come from is looked at to determine the source. We currently track event views from the following sources:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Linktr.ee
  • Spotify
  • Google
  • TikTok
  • Telegram
  • Soundcloud
  • RA event listings - where a user has come directly from anywhere on ra.co such as the listings page, artist pages, news articles etc. This also includes all RA Guide app event views
  • RA marketing tools - where a user has come directly from marketing from RA, such as local mailers, just announced emails, specific email campaigns etc.

Any event views that have not come via direct referral from one of the above sources will be marked as "Other", which could be down to one of many reasons:

  • There is no referrer data available since it has been blocked via a VPN or the users browser or some other method
  • Direct link - the user typed or copied in the address or used a bookmark to access the page
  • The user came from another website that we currently do not track eg. a promoter website

Event views from ad campaigns:

  • If someone has clicked on an advert created from an ad manager such as Meta or Google ads, then the event view will count towards wherever that ad was placed, for example Instagram, Facebook or Google.

RA will be adding further sources over time where relevant.

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