Conversions API & Pixels - Best practices & FAQs

The pixel and conversions API tool is an effective tool to help market your events to your audience. Using both features can optimise your paid social advertising, while allowing you to see event page views, monitor ad campaigns, assist with retargeting and more. 

On RA, we can support you with all advertising campaigns that are run through Meta and TikTok.

How do I set up my pixel & conversions API?

For Meta:

How to set up on RA

Meta troubleshooting guide

For TikTok:

How to set up on RA

TikTok troubleshooting guide

What things can I measure?

  • Event page views
  • Add to basket/ purchase
  • Optimise towards
  • Retargeting 

What’s the difference between a Pixel and Conversions API?


A pixel is a bit of code you can apply to your promoter profile on RA so you can measure traffic, measure ad campaign performance, optimise your campaigns and find new customers. You can see this information in your Meta & TikTok Ads Manager.

Certain browsers don't support the Meta & TikTok pixel. This means that you won't see events for customers using Safari and Firefox. Conversions reported via the pixel may be impacted due to connectivity issues and inconsistencies in how various browsers operate. The pixel also isn’t supported in the RA Guide (app).

Conversions API

Our Conversions API integration allows you to process web activity from opted-out iOS devices, essentially circumventing the restrictions that were put in place with iOS 14.

It also enables data sharing directly from RA's server to Meta and TikTok server, which allows for data to be captured more accurately and shared more reliably. It provides a more resilient solution as advertising ecosystems evolve. The conversions API can be set up via the Access Token.

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