Emailing unique promo codes to individual email addresses with Mailchimp

This guide explains how to send out unique promo codes using MailChimp.

Using RA’s bulk promos feature and Mailchimp, you can send unique promo codes to multiple email addresses in one go. Send your customers personalised emails that contain a unique promo code for them to access hidden, discounted tickets that can only be redeemed by them.

1. Generate your bulk promo codes

  • If you haven’t already created your bulk promo codes for your mailer, head to our Bulk promos help guide to generate your unique promo codes. Make sure to specify the number of times each code can be used with the ‘allocation’ field.
  • Once set up, download your promo codes with the ‘download’ button. This will generate a CSV file.

2. Create a custom field for your promo codes in Mailchimp

3. Download your audience with the promo code field from Mailchimp

Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

4. Merge your promo codes with your Mailchimp audience

  • Using Excel, Numbers or Google Sheets, import your promo codes into a new spreadsheet.
  • Copy the column of the promo code links (minus the header) and delete everything else.
  • Import your Mailchimp audience into a new spreadsheet.
  • Delete everything apart from the Email Address and Promo Code columns.
  • Paste your promo code links into the Promo Code column.
  • Each email address should now have a unique promo code link assigned to it.
  • Export your new spreadsheet as a CSV file.

5. Import your newly merged CSV into Mailchimp

  • Each email address should now have a unique promo code link assigned to it.
  • Export your spreadsheet as a CSV file.
  • In Mailchimp, head to Audience > Manage Audience > Import Contacts to import your new CSV.
  • Double check ‘Auto-update My Existing List’ is checked.
  • Now hit the ‘Import List’ button and ensure the columns in your CSV link to the correct fields. Make sure to select the ‘promo code’ column and map it to the ‘promo code’ field. 
  • Click ‘Complete Import’ to complete the process.

6. Add the unique promo code to your email with Mailchimp Mergers

  • During the email design, hit the drop down ‘Merge tags’ button and select the ‘promo code’ field to add the unique code to your email.
  • Once the email has been sent, the tag will be replaced with the unique promo code link for the customer.
  • Make sure to send a test email first to check everything is set up correctly!
    • Top tip: Embedding this tag in a button also works well 

If you’re an event promoter or event organiser and you still need help, go to RA Pro and login. Then use the “Help” button in the corner to contact us.

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