5 ways to improve bump performance

Here are five ways to improve performance of Bumps on web and app (iOS).

#1 Tag artists and venues correctly

When you create a bump, there’s no need to provide artwork or copy because this information is pulled directly from your event listing and is displayed as an event card.

Event card: Your event card (above) is what users will see when they browse the listings on RA. It’s essentially a summary of your key event information and is made up of your:

  • Event title
  • Lineup (tagged artists only)
  • Venue
  • Interested count
  • Artwork (web only)
  • RA Pick (if you have one)

Lineup and venue are two of the most important selling points for prospective ticket buyers and add legitimacy and value to your event. It’s in your best interest to tag them correctly.

Artists on your lineup will only be displayed on your event card if they are tagged. This means that any untagged artists on your lineup will not pull through onto your event card, and will therefore not be displayed in your Bump creative. Tagging artists also has the added benefit of triggering automated push notifications and emails to fans of those artists.

Similarly, your event venue will only be displayed on your event card if it is tagged correctly. You should only use “venue - TBA” for events in unannounced venues or secret locations.

You can use tools such as pre-registration to help drive your interested count.

#2 Increase your CPC

Bumps work via a bidding system, where your CPC (cost-per-click) is your bid price, and display priority is given to the highest bidder. This means that you are competing against other promoters – and therefore other CPCs – for position #3 in the listings for the date and location of your event. The higher your CPC, the greater display priority you will get.

Remember, you only pay when a user clicks on your ad.

#3 Make your event listing more attractive

If enough people click on your event, your ad will appear in the Popular Events section.

Popular events card: Your popular events card is what users will see in the popular events section of the listings. It’s very similar to your event card but with a couple of key differences:

  • Your artwork will be displayed in full
  • Your lineup will not pull through (even if artists are tagged)

Given the above information, it is very important to ensure you’ve uploaded an event flyer. Your artwork needs to be A4 and your lineup needs to be clearly legible on the poster.

#4 Set up your campaigns well in advance

While Bumps are an effective last-minute lever – users typically browse the listings a week in advance – there is often increased competition for display priority in the days running up to an event. This could lead to campaigns not spending their full budget, especially if they were set up at the last minute or on the day of the event. Bumping your event earlier in your campaign lifecycle could also help you cut through the noise and drum up interest early on.

#5 Monitor performance in RA Pro dashboard

As is common with most other advertising platforms, it’s important to monitor performance and optimise your campaigns accordingly. You are able to do this directly in RA Pro.

Campaign performance data updates every 15 minutes and enables you to track clicks, spend, conversions, conversion value and return on ad spend (ROAS). You can easily edit your CPC in just a few clicks and quickly top up your budget if it’s already been spent too.

Buy a Bump.

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