Adding tickets

How to add tickets to your event

Once you’ve submitted your event and created a promoter account, you can add tickets to your event. To add a ticket:

  1. Head to the Tickets tab > Ticket management > Add ticket
  2. View and sign RA’s Promoter Terms
  3. Select a ticket name from the list, or choose a custom name by selecting the option from the bottom of the list
  4. Choose how many tickets you want available for purchase in the “Allocation” field
  5. Set the price of the ticket in the “Buyer pays” field and see how much revenue you’ll make. Alternatively you can input how much revenue you want to make per ticket.
  6. Select the dates you want the ticket to be on sale
  7. Click “Save” or  “Save and create another ticket”
  8. Your ticket will be submitted

What does "Show the booking fee to customer" mean?

By default, RA fees are included in the price presented to the customer. If you show the booking fee to customers, they will see the price of the ticket plus a booking fee e.g. £7.50 + £1

RA recommends you do not show the fees. From our testing and research, customers prefer to see one single price for a ticket. You can find out more about fees here

Ticket tier title guidelines

Ticket tier titles should be clear and concise so that the customer is easily able to understand what they are purchasing. Please refrain from including any of the following in your ticket tier title:

  • Information about the event, e.g., the event title, line-up names etc.
  • Special characters such as *@£$%^&.
  • Any pricing information.

Any ticket tier titles that go against these guidelines may be amended at the point of being approved.

Adding another ticket

What does 'on sale after' mean?

You may want one ticket to go on sale following another e.g. General Admission tickets to go on sale after Early Bird. 

When you choose this option, the ticket being created will go on sale after the selected ticket e.g. General admission will go on sale after Early Bird has been on sale and it either sells out, its sale end date is reached or its sales are stopped, whichever happens first.

You can change the sale start and end time of the ticket being created using the Advanced settings.

When adding another ticket, it will be set to go on sale after another ticket by default. If you don’t want the ticket to go on sale after another ticket, select “Date & time".

You can edit the on sale, off sale, allocation and visibility of a ticket at any time. However, please note that you will be unable to edit the price of a tier once a ticket has been sold.

For information on how to edit tickets, please see this guide.

Additional ticket types

Group tickets

If you need to sell group or table tickets make sure the requirements are specified within the ticket titles. Only one barcode is generated per ticket purchase, so it’s always advised to specify that guests must arrive together. Please also factor this into your total allocation as well, e.g. 4 Group tickets (4 people, must arrive together) = 16 people.

Examples of group / table ticket titles below:

  1. Group ticket (3 people, must arrive together)
  2. Table ticket (6 people, must arrive together)

Free tickets

Selling free tickets is a great way to boost attendance at your events and can be especially helpful if you’re looking to get people through the door early on, or if you’re just starting out and want to grow your audience before charging an entry fee. Find out more here.

Hidden tickets

If you’re selling tickets for an event, you might want to hide ticket tiers for a number of reasons:

  1. You want to set up hidden tickets for pre-sales, discounted tickets or hidden upgrades
  2. The previous tier is sold out and therefore no longer relevant
  3. You have introduced a new tier with updated purchase info in place of an existing tier
  4. You don’t want customers to see the price of your earlier releases

Find out how to do that here.


Add ons allow you to add additional ticket types to their event pages, such as drinks, travel or accommodation, offering more flexible ticket management options, as well as online POS solutions for on-site transactions. For more information, click here.

Promo Codes and Discount links

There are 3 types of promo codes that can be created from the “Promos” section on your ticket management page.

    1. Discount Codes - Used to apply discounts to ticket purchases
    2. Ticket Rep links - Individual codes for ticket reps so you can track how they are selling.
    3. Secret ticket links - Custom URL’s that allow access to secret ticket tiers such as friends & Family tickets or Presales

Find out more here.

If you’re an event promoter or event organiser and you still need help, go to RA Pro and login. Then use the “Help” button in the corner to contact us.

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